“Make friends with people who want the best for you.”
-Jordan Peterson
Score yourself in the following eight areas and find out if you’re a “Positive Relationship Grandmaster”.
Do you prioritize time with people who energize you, and avoid time with people who drain your energy?

15 points
In the last 30 days have you spent time with a mentor who challenges you, and is 5-20 years ahead of you at where you want to be in the areas of health, wealth, career, relationships, and/or happiness?

15 points
Do you prioritize time with confident people who celebrate your successes and are pursuing their own goals and dreams, and avoid people who resent when you have success?

15 points
Do you prioritize time spent with people who respect your time and their own, and avoid people who don’t?

15 points
Do you prioritize time spent with high-integrity, giving and caring people?

15 points
Do you prioritize time with disciplined people, and do you avoid people who regularly cannot show up on time, cannot keep commitments, and/or cannot stick to a schedule?

15 points
Do you avoid spending your time listening to advice from unqualified people?

5 points
Do you avoid making other people’s problems your own by avoiding time spent with people who regularly vent their problems (without looking for solutions)?

5 points
90-100 points = Your success and happiness are improved by almost all of people you spend time with
60-90 points = Your success and happiness are being limited by some of the people you spend time with
60 points or less = Your success and happiness are being dramatically limited and/or actively sabotaged by many people who you spend time with
Law Of Association Monthly Points System

Energy Maximizer 6 points

Mentor Expertise Upgrade 6 points

High Integrity 6 points
?Confident 6 points

Big Goals And Dreams 6 points

1 point each for daily completion = 30 maximum points per month

Don’t miss two days in a row

Maximum score of 30 points, 23 points is a passing score for the month