Elevate Your Mind

Books and Courses

The Black Book: Black Belt Special Edition Package

Price: $1,095.00

The Black Book is a powerful book for CEOs and other top leaders. An extremely limited edition, only 100 packages will be available for purchase. 110% of all sales go to No Kid Hungry www.nokidhungry.org, with the goal of raising 1 million meals. With your donation, you will provide ten kids in need in the United States three meals a day for an entire year. I will personally donate an additional 10% of the purchase price of the book. Purchasers will also receive a private session with me to discuss the book and Winning Thinking concepts. The Black Book is one of the world’s most premiere books designed specifically for CEOs and other top leaders.

About the book: Efficient and effective thinking is not about complexity. It is is about making the complex simple. The Black Book provides you with 45 “Winning Thinking” tools to do just that. Applying Winning Thinking will make you a dramatically more efficient and effective leader. Applying Winning Thinking will give your organization a tremendous competitive advantage.

The Black Book will help you to accomplish two important things for your people:

  1. Solve the elephant-sized problems that create unnecessary stress
  2. Achieve enormous goals that change lives

How you think is far more important than what you think. If you want to win at the highest levels, you must learn to think like a winner.

1% Warrior Leadership

“Give someone something great to live up to and they usually will.”-Bob Burg

Leadership is the answer.

What is the question?

It doesn’t matter.

Every problem is a leadership problem.

Every solution is a leadership solution.

Any organizational problem can be solved by better leadership.And it starts with how we lead ourselves. The person in the mirror.

My definition of a 1% Warrior Leader:“

A leader who gets 1% better every day in the service of something greater. The best way to become a top 1% leader is to simply get 1% better each day until you get there.”

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1% Warrior: The Code Of Success

You will discover that the most magical things in life are often the result of the correct application of the most basic principles imaginable.”-Blair Warren

Do not overthink this.

It’s not that complicated.

The real secret to success is not doing more, but doing less.

It is narrowing your focus to the vital, essential, few most important things, and saying no to almost everything else.

This philosophy only works...always.

What you will receive in this book are the “best of the best” lessons from those who became the greatest in the world at what they do.

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1% Warrior: Black Belt Boss

“Confidence applied properly surpasses genius.”-Mike Tyson

Leadership is the answer.

Confidence is a vital function of leadership.

Don’t overthink this.

It’s not that complicated.

Looking back, every major problem or failure in my life was caused by fear and a lack of confidence.

Through training in self defense and mixed martial arts, you will improve your what I call “physical confidence”. When your physical confidence improves, increased mental confidence will naturally follow. The mind and body are inextricably connected.

My definition of a “Black Belt Boss”:“

A person who’s life is fully committed to becoming the best leader they can possibly be in service of others.

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Warrior Calisthenics

“Magic is just someone spending more time on something than anyone else might reasonably expect.” -Raymond Joseph Teller (Penn and Teller)

Do not overthink this.

It’s not that complicated.

The real secret to success is not doing more, but doing less.

It is narrowing your focus to the vital, essential, few most important things, and saying no to almost everything else.This philosophy only works...always.

This booklet contains 21 Warrior Calisthenics. Out of the hundreds of “success exercises” I have practiced myself and taught to clients, these 21 are of the highest impact.

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1% Warrior Principles of Winning

“With all skills, the most sophisticated techniques tend to have their foundation in the simplest of principles.” -Josh Waitzkin

How you think is far more important than what you think. If you want to win at the highest levels, you need to learn to think like a winner. Don’t overthink this. It’s not that complicated. Principles make up the foundation of your thinking. Thoughts become things. Albert Einstein said, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think!”

Out of the 181 principles that I use in my business, leadership, and life, I have narrowed them down to the 36 that I have found most useful. The story of each principle will be told through quotes, 501 in total.

This book is not for those who want to simply become good. This book is for those who want to achieve best-in-class status and become elite at what they do. If you want to achieve the highest levels of success, but you are not there yet, study and practice the 36 Principles of Winning.

I know that you will find them useful.

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1% Warrior: Black Belt Business

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” -Jim Rohn

Everything I know that works in leadership and business, I learned from running nightclubs. My feet were on their concrete floors late into the night, but during the day, my mind was in the c-suites of billion-dollar companies. I was teaching myself to think like their founders.

A conventional approach? Not at all. But what I learned during those late nights can be applied to any business, anytime, anywhere. I just happened to have practiced and honed powerful business and leadership lessons in the unconventional environment that is the nightclub world. At the end of the day, business is business, leadership is leadership, and people are people.

This book contains the 12 key business lessons and 29 “Principles of Winning” that I learned through those thousands of hours of deep study. I applied them to the nightclub business and they created tremendous success. I then shared them with hundreds of other leaders and business owners. You can apply these lessons and principles to any business or industry. Yes, I said any. They work.

This book is for those who want to achieve best-in-class status for their business and become world-class at what they do. This book is not for those who want to become just good or great at what they do. If you want to achieve elite success and are not there yet, it will help you to study and practice the 12 lessons and 29 Principles of Winning.

I know that you will find them useful.

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“If you have a 10 year plan to get somewhere, why can't you get there in six months?” -Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal

Welcome to 1% Warrior Leadership Mastery, where committed individuals can achieve 10 years of leadership growth in 6 months. It is a highly intensive leadership development experience like no other. The training is designed specifically for CEOs, company presidents, superintendents, police chiefs, executive directors of non-profits, and other high impact leaders.

The curriculum was built on a solid foundation of 20+ years of “in the trenches” leadership practice, study and observation in 60+ industries and fields.

“Confidence applied properly surpasses genius.” -Mike Tyson

Clients will:

  • Learn to think and operate like the top 1% of the top 1% of leaders.
  • Study the playbooks of the most effective and respected leaders of the last 50 years.
  • Be held accountable to themselves to achieve astronomical leadership growth
  • Receive in depth, one-on-one leadership training that is highly customized to the individual

Key benefits:

  • Achieving your #1 most important goal
  • Overcoming your #1 biggest challenge
  • Putting right the one thing that is holding you back
  • Stronger, more positive, less stress relationships
  • Increased mental, physical, and emotional confidence
  • More free time to do more of what you love

“Everyone wants to be the beast. Not everyone wants to do what the beast does. If you want to be the beast, you have to do what the beasts do.” -Nick Saban

Two Requirements:

  • Must be coachable
  • Must be extremely committed

Very limited spots available. You may reserve a space with your payment to start, since I am only taking on a limited amount of deeply committed individuals.

Tuition is payable in full on commencement. There are no refunds of any payments for any reason unless I cancel your participation because I feel you are not coachable and fully committed, in which I will provide a pro rata refund. I am 100% committed to the process, and I expect the same level of commitment.

“You are capable of at least 20 times more than what you think you are.” -Mark Devine, ret. Navy SEAL Commander